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Friday, September 06 2024
How To Stop Looking Like A

How To Stop Looking Like A
"Small, Me-Too” Payroll Service

By Glenn Fallavollita, President of & Drip Marketing, Inc.

  • Word Count: 403
  • Time To Read: 1.6 Minutes

Are you tired and looking like a small "me-too" payroll service? If you are, you're not alone, as many payroll pros use the same tired old lines in their marketing messaging - which can make it difficult to stand out from the competition. Some common marketing/sales phrases include:

  • We offer great customer service.
  • Our payroll experts are here to help you.
  • We do more than payroll; we have a great workforce management system.
  • We’re cheaper than your current payroll service.
  • We’ve been in business since XXXX.
  • You’ll get a dedicated payroll specialist.

You Have Very Little Time To Capture A Payroll Prospect’s Attention.

Your marketing messages must resonate with your target audience; if not, they will skip over your e-mail campaign, stop reading your website, or only look at price as the key differentiator. 

Get In The Mind Of A Prospect Before Writing Your Next Campaign.

Research has proven that the average person will spend less than 15 seconds reading your website or 1.0 - 1.5 seconds reading a subject line in their inbox. And during this time, their brain will process some of the questions listed below to determine if they should continue reading to learn more or open your e-mail message:

  • Are they saying things that are important to me?
  • What makes this payroll service any better or different from the one I am using now?
  • Why should I consider their offer of X, Y, or Z?
  • Do I know this company?
  • Do I need a new payroll service / HCM system?
  • Should I compare my current payroll service to theirs?
  • What is this company selling?

Every prospect/referral partner is just like you; they have limited time to learn about your payroll service as they are trying to do more work with fewer resources. And the more in sync your messages are with someone's problems, frustrations, annoyances, and needs, the quicker you will get their attention. Period. 

Executive Summary: With the average person exposed to thousands of marketing messages daily, what are your plans to change what you say? 

About The Author:

Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients.

Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From YouHe also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites.

© Drip Marketing, Inc.  All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission.

Posted by: AT 07:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 02 2024
6 Reasons Why No One Will Remember Your Payroll Service

6 Reasons Why No One
Will Remember Payroll Service

(And How To Fix It)

By Glenn Fallavollita, President of

  • Word Count: 329
  • Time To Read: 90 Seconds 

In 2022, the number of small businesses in the US reached 33.2 million, making up nearly all (99.9 percent) US businesses. And according to the US Small Business Administration, there are:

  • 650,000 businesses have under 500 employees.
  • 5.4 million businesses with fewer than 20 employees.
  • Twenty-seven million businesses do not hire any employees.

And with this many businesses in the USA, you're probably saying to yourself, "If they only knew about my payroll service, I would be able to grow my sales exponentially."

6 Reasons Why A Prospect / Referral Partner Won't Remember Your Payroll Service:

  • Reason #1: 100% of all payroll salespeople place a subjective "call-back date" if a prospect or referral source isn't ready to make a purchase or referral decision. Unfortunately, most of these calls are never made for reasons # 2 and #3 below.
  • Reason #2: 40% of all salespeople feel that prospecting is one of the most challenging aspects of their job; therefore, most flat-out ignore this crucial activity.
  • Reason #3: 50% of all salespeople stop calling a prospect for 9 to 12 months or altogether after their first unsuccessful attempt at moving the sales process forward. This percentage skyrockets to 95% after their third unsuccessful attempt. 
  • Reason #4: 50% to 66% of all newly hired PAYROLL salespeople* will quit or get fired in their first 6 - 9 months. 
  • Reason #5: During cold-calling:
    • 95% of what you tell a cold prospect/referral partner on the phone is forgotten within 2 - 24 hours. 
    • 95% of all "prospecting phone calls" go directly to voicemail (most "prospecting" voicemails are deleted after 2.5 - 3.0 seconds). 
  • Reason #6: 95% of all payroll services* don't provide their sales staff with any sales training "on prospecting" after 30 days of employment.

*At smaller independent payroll service bureaus.

IMPORTANT: If you are a business owner or sales leader, don't think for one minute that your salespeople are "maintaining contact" with their database of prospects or referral partners.

How To Fix This Problem...

After reviewing the sales stats above, it should be clear to you the benefits of having an automated drip marketing system - a system that nurtures your database of prospects and referral partners even when your salespeople stop calling (which they will).

To learn how to implement an automated drip marketing system, contact the marketing experts at 

About The Author:

Glenn Fallavollita is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker renowned for delivering invaluable sales and marketing advice to business owners and sales leaders, enabling them to win more payroll sales and produce more referrals from their database of clients and referral partners.

Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From YouHe also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites.

© Drip Marketing, Inc.  All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission.

Posted by: AT 06:49 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, September 01 2024
Why Your Payroll Service Needs More Than A Newsletter Blast

Why Your Payroll Service Needs
More Than A Newsletter Blast

By Glenn Fallavollita, President of | Drip Marketing, Inc.

  • Word Count: 189
  • Time To Read: 45 Seconds 

Blasting a generic one-size-fits-all newsletter and placing an ad in the yellow pages was cutting-edge marketing 20 years ago. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in today's information-overloaded society. Owners, marketing pros, and sales leaders at fast-growing payroll services go beyond a newsletter blast to win new payroll clients and referral partners.

5 Types Of e-Mail Campaigns.

If you want to get more people to read your drip marketing campaigns, use the following types of campaigns throughout the year.

1. Sales-Based Newsletters: My team and I pioneered a sales-based newsletter to help trigger a prospect and/or CPA to take the next step in the buying process.

2. Information-Based e-Mails: These e-mails deliver specific information about a new product/service to essential updates such as changes in the company.

3. Education-Based e-Mails: Education-based e-mails are a great way to position your payroll service as a subject matter expert, which is the foundation of building trust, credibility, and brand recognition in the marketplace.

4. Announcement-Based e-mails: Announcement-based e-mails usually contain important information like upgrades, new hires, or capital improvements to inform your clients about a new cost-saving service.

5. Feel Good-Based e-Mails: Feel Good-based e-mails do nothing more than tell someone how much you appreciate their business or enjoy an upcoming holiday.

About The Author:

Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients.

Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From YouHe also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites.

To hire Glenn for your next conference, visit

© Drip Marketing, Inc.  All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission.

Posted by: AT 07:10 am   |  Permalink   |  Email