Friday, July 10 2020
The New Normal For A Payroll Salesperson
Before COVID-19 hit, winning payroll salespeople were cranking-out calls, dropping by a CPA’s office, and shaking hands with new prospects and referral partners. Not any more! A New Sales Strategy Is Needed During The COVID-19 Crisis. If you are an owner or sales leader of your payroll service business, you need to take a proactive step in developing (and teaching your salespeople) the following:
Excellent Fact-Finding Skills Will Help You Close More Sales. All experts agree that great investigative questions will help a person close more business. That said, here are the core components of this process:
The Value Your Payroll Service Provided Yesterday Isn’t As Relevant Today. What you sold yesterday is no longer relevant as business owners, CFOs, and office managers now need:
If you are managing a sales team or you are a salesperson at a payroll service business, I highly recommend stepping back and reevaluating your sales strategy. If not, you will see less than stellar sales results in 2020. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. |