Thursday, January 20 2022
7 Reasons Why Your e-Mail Campaigns
After sending 113+ million e-mail campaigns on behalf of our clients, I have listed the top e-mail marketing mistakes I see most payroll services make. They are: Reason #1: No Follow-Up Call Was Ever Made – The #1 reason why an e-mail marketing campaign(s) fails is the lack of a follow-up call. My suggestion:
Reason #2: Poor Messaging And Subject Lines – Another top reason why your e-mail marketing results are lackluster is this: Poor messaging and copy. And yes, your subject line falls in this category as well. My suggestions:
Reason #3: Sending Too Many Or Too Few e-Mails – Have you ever received an e-mail from someone and then received 3 to 4 e-mails in the first 72 hours? If you have, you know it does more harm than good. My suggestions:
Reason #4: Not Segmenting Your Databases By Target Audience - Many e-mail marketing campaigns fail because the information that is e-mail is nothing more than a generic newsletter blast. My suggestions:
Reason #5: Not Using A Low-Risk Offer – By not having a highly visible low-risk offer or call-to-action, you are missing out on some potential sales leads and referrals. My suggestions:
Reason #6: Not Having An e-Mail Strategy - One of the top reasons your e-mail marketing efforts fail is this: Not having an e-mail marketing strategy. My suggestions:
Reason #7: Not Constantly Building A Database Of Prospect e-Mail Addresses – If you are not continually building your database of e-mail addresses, your “prospect” open rates will flatline over time. My suggestions:
Executive Summary: The days of blasting a generic, one-size-fits-all newsletter to everyone in your e-mail database and expecting a sales lead or a referral are over. Be smart and create a plan of action AND a sales follow-up plan. Once you do this, you will see a dramatic improvement in your sales results. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. |